

exp(x, y, L)

Exponential kernel function, also known as the Matern 1/2 kernel, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices.

squared_exp(x, y, L)

Squared exponential kernel function, also known as the radial basis function, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build a covariance matrix.

matern32(x, y, L)

Matern 3/2 kernel function, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices.

matern52(x, y, L)

Matern 5/2 kernel function, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices.

rational_quadratic(x, y, L, alpha)

Rational quadratic kernel function, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices.

exp_sine_squared(x, y, L, P)

Exponential sine squared kernel, used with evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices which have periodic covariance.

cosine(x, y, P)

Cosine kernel, used with luas.kernels.evaluate_kernel to build covariance matrices which have periodic covariance.